When you need a safe place, we are here for you
To access the emergency shelter please call:
Call our helpline at (403) 529-1091 and a worker will talk to you about space availability and make plans for you (and your children) to come into the Shelter. We can also help arrange transportation to the Shelter if that is required.
Arriving at the Emergency Shelter
When you arrive, you will meet with staff and complete some very basic paperwork. After that, we will show you to your bedroom. Each bed has clean linens and basic hygiene packages. You will be given some time to settle in and get to know where things are. When you are ready, we will go over the Welcome package and tell you a bit more about what we do.What is a Second Stage Shelter?
Second Stage Housing is an option for women and children experiencing family violence who need affordable housing while getting back on their feet. Those who qualify may be admitted for up to one year.
Application for Second Stage Housing is available regardless of whether or not you have stayed in the emergency shelter.
Apply for Second Stage Shelter
Referrals to Musasa House may be made by another shelter, by a community agency, or by self-referral. An initial interview is completed with the potential client to determine their eligibility for Musasa House and the program’s suitability to meet their needs. If accepted into the program, individuals are provided with the necessary supports to facilitate their safe accommodation at Musasa House.
Phoenix Safe House
Emergency Shelter
If you are in danger, Phoenix Safe House emergency shelter can be your safe place.
Phoenix Safe House is a 30-bed emergency shelter for individuals with or without children who are experiencing family violence. We provide a safe haven, meals, support, information, safety planning and referrals to other community resources.
Families are given their own bedroom; those without children may be asked to share a room when space is limited. The shelter is accessible with one bedroom that is wheelchair accessible. Phoenix Safe House is a communal living space and you will share all the facilities outside of your own bedroom. We have a kitchen, a dining room, a living room, TV lounges, and a laundry room. For the children, we have play spaces and a daycare facility.
Information and access to shelter is available 24-hours a day, 7-days a week, 365 days of the year. To speak to us about accessing the emergency shelter please call our 24 Hour Help-Line. All calls are completely confidential.
Musasa House
Second Stage Shelter
Musasa House is a second stage shelter program for families who have experienced family violence.
Musasa House is a Second Stage Shelter that provides a safe place to live for those who qualify, while providing wraparound supports services. Those who qualify for this program are admitted for up to one year.
Musasa House provides many services including affordable rent, quality childcare, individual support, supported referrals to community agencies, and follow-up services after departure. Musasa House also provides educational support groups for women, children, and teens.
The facility includes ten secure, self-contained, three-bedroom townhouse units which are fully furnished including linens, kitchen utensils and dishes. There are on-site laundry facilities, a fenced outdoor playground, group kitchen area for monthly community kitchen groups, parking with plug-ins, community garden, and convenient access to schools and other essential services.
Safety for your pets while in shelter:
We understand that pets are important members of your family and you may be delaying or avoiding leaving your abusive home due to fear of pets being harmed and wanting to keep them safe too.